Forums / General / EZ 3.5.1 Extremely Slow Loading of webpages

EZ 3.5.1 Extremely Slow Loading of webpages

Author Message

SK Yeong

Wednesday 23 March 2005 5:13:10 pm

I have just set up a site using EZ 3.5.1. I noticed that the pages are very slow in loading. And when I check cpanel on my server, I notice that the overload button flashing red immediately. Is there some problem with my setup! The site is

Jonathan Dillon-Hayes

Monday 28 March 2005 2:27:01 am


While I'm not 100% sure by your description (overload button?), that sounds like your hosting provider isn't giving you enough resources to run eZ Publish.

eZ Publish is a pretty demanding application, and a lot of the cheaper hosting providers (and some of the expensive ones too!) have pretty low resource allocation available to their accounts.

Some Cpanel providers run 500+ accounts on a single p4, and one I saw had (I'm not kidding) over 4000 accounts on a single p4 server. That's why basic web hosting is cheap!

In general, if the account eZ Publish is running on doesn't have enough oomph behind it, it rarely fails -- it just gets slow.

You might also check to see if it's network related. I'm assuming your in SouthEast asia (by your domain), and if your provider is located elsewhere, it could be related.

Your 3.5.1 site should fly. I would suggest you talk to your hosting provider about giving you more resources!


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