Forums / General / EZ 3.2 Questions

EZ 3.2 Questions

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Paul McCann

Saturday 13 September 2003 6:25:18 pm

I tried installing Ez pub 3.1 about 3 weeks ago and ran into a problem I have had an unresolved problem in the forum since I started and I have now decided to give up on it altogether as I need to implement something very soon.

I was wondering how stable 3.2 was especially the auto setup as this will be set up on my server. If it installs ok and I can actually get into using it I would be interested in starting again. Would you reccomend using it?

I also want to implement a mailing list manager possibly an existing script or a mailng list manager site that offers the service but allowing my editors to use it whilst in the EZ admin, probably through a iframe or similar.
I also want to integrate invisionboard as the forum as it is a great community board and this will be a major part of the site, but it wil need to share the user database. Has anyone done this and is it fairly simple to encourage?

lastly I will probably have a few contracts coming up soon which will require (i think) Ezpublish. I think I can do some of the work but I am interested in finding a freelance developer that i can subcontract some of the work too. I presumbe this is the best place to find him/her so if you are interested please do email me with your details and some ideas of costs.

email me at
ezpublish[at]sankesolutions[dot]co[dot]uk (anti spam address)

[at] = @
[dot]= .

Willie Seabrook

Tuesday 16 September 2003 2:05:45 am

I don't know how stable 3.2 is. I know from experience that 3.1 was not that solid as a number of bugs held me up - and thats just me. Personally, I will be deploying a live site soon on ez3.2b2.

List manager: you'll have to do a new module. I actually have the same problem. I am implementing one myself.

integration with other apps... user logins... I think you'll have to hack - thats what I'm planning on doing as I also have to do this... I actually have to hook into an ancient filemaker database which will be very interesting.

Sorry not much help but everyone else is in much the sam pos as you. The docs are getting so much better *very* fast.


Paul McCann

Tuesday 16 September 2003 5:00:38 am

Thanks Willie,

Sounds like a lot of hard work, but I cant even get the thing to install properly so i dont have much faith. I have a potential large client who I think this would be ideal for but I might have to look elsewhere.