Forums / General / Documentation for adding "limited access admin users"?

Documentation for adding "limited access admin users"?

Author Message

Jussi Paju

Monday 02 February 2004 8:54:53 am


I need to have users that are allowed to edit only few parts of site. I couldn't find any documentation about different users anywhere, so if I just missed it, pointers are greatly valued. =)

John Mina

Wednesday 07 April 2004 3:51:44 am

I have the same problem
Did you have any help ?

i wonder if some one can help us through this?
It is serious a great problem for administrating a website.

Tony Wood

Wednesday 07 April 2004 10:00:27 am


For this you need to setup roles and assign them to user groups. This group when they log in will have access to only the classes or areas you want them to. Its worth having a play around with what works and what does not.
Below is a basic setup for an editor that allows them to login, use the eZ HTML editor, search and change all cotnent in the site. You will what to refine this but it should get you going.

user login *
ezdhtml * *
search * *
content * *

Found in the http://mysiteadmin/role/list

Further reading:

-- tony

Tony Wood :
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John Mina

Tuesday 13 April 2004 12:11:49 am

HI Tony
That was really good help
I do appriciate it