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Developments at the eZ Pub

Author Message

Stuart DH

Wednesday 11 August 2004 10:52:17 am

11th August 2004

eZ Pub has just released it's latest website development to full production.

Several weeks have past since our last major update but we are working towards our goals and there are many improvements in this latest release of the site.
Here is a brief synopsis of some recent changes:

<b>Firebright Hosting</b>

Following long periods of downtime, lack of disk space, bandwidth overages, server failure and the subsequent loss of many days of development and data with our previous hosts, we are proud to announce we have now moved to a superb new hosting package, courtesy of Firebright -

The FireBright hosting platform represents a major improvement in the development speed of eZ Pub and has already attracted many comments from site users who have noted the considerable increase in speed and stability.

<b>eZ Pub User Changes:</b>

- Addition of the forum domain name:
- Site User Registration & Login Enabled
With today's release, it is now possible to register on the eZ Pub site and enjoy many features that are exclusive to our members.
(eZ publish & vBulletin Single Login has not been implemented, but we're working on it. Any tips would be very gratefully received!)
- Blog Comments Enabled

With eZ publish User Registration enabled, and blog comments fixed, you can now login and post comments to blog entries. (Registration Required)


Four new video tutorials covering the installation of eZ publish on a Windows desktop.

<b>- Frequently Asked Questions</b>

More FAQs have been added to the site including topics on back-ups and menus. We're gradually working towards creating a series of 'Ultimate Guides' to Working with Images, Building an eZ publish Shop, Running an eZ publish forum, etc

<b>- Site Design Gallery </b>

The eZ pub site now contains an eZ publish Site Gallery that enables registered users to post the title, intro, description, screenshot (image), Url (to site using the design), and package (of the design, settings, var files required to use the design) and share their design with other users. This is a great opportunity for the community to exhibit the design potential of eZ publish and provide inspiration to other users.
- Greatly expanded 'About eZ Pub' content
- eZ Pub Donations & Subscriptions Options - Donate to the future of the eZ Pub today!

<b>Internal Changes: </b>

- Addition of over 7 custom tags (Documenting)
- Restoration of Admin Domain
- Template Override Refinements
- Extensive Testing and Lots of little tweaks & fixes
(rest assured we are going to re implement eZ pub in development until we have documented every one of them)

<b>Ideas on the horizon: </b>

- Lots more Tutorials & FAQs
- More eZ Publish Files
- More Improvements to the functionality of the eZ Pub
- Expanded Members-Only Content
- Members : Post New Public Todo Items
- Continued Documentation of a rather large backlog of eZ Publish Issues commonly not discussed or documented.
- Create /Refine News Categories
- Inclusion of TreeMenu 2 Contribution for Menu & possibly Links
- New Polls (estimated 2-3 to start), Close Older Polls
- Researching & documentation of the creation of complex feedback forms


We are working hard and gradually managing to build the site, but many hands make light work and we could really do with as much help the community can provide. Experts and newbs, designers and programmers, staff and general site users are all very welcome.

As you may noticed, the site doesn't look very special at the moment, so we'd especially like to hear from any web designers / graphic artists who can provide assistance in creating a brand new site design.

In addition to the above, we still need individuals to get involved with building the community by asking questions, providing solutions, post ideas and design, contributing source code, writing documentation, articles or FAQs.
This is your opportunity to make a great community from which all eZ publish users will benefit.

<b>Special Thanks</b>

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank for sponsoring the eZ Pub with a fantastic hosting package that will ultimately benefit every member of the eZ publish community. We'd also like to thank eZ Systems and the many individuals who have provided continuing support to the eZ Pub project, donating their time and expertise to the development of the site.


Stuart Diston-Hunter
The eZ Pub Landlord

Graham Brookins
Lead Developer

info at

kracker (the)

Thursday 12 August 2004 5:41:38 am


For those of you wondering the eZ Pub & eZ Pub Forum are these sites:


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