Forums / General / Daily Newspaper .. how to issue and folders !

Daily Newspaper .. how to issue and folders !

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Marvix Marx

Saturday 03 February 2007 8:59:35 am

Hi ...

I have client wanna do his printed daily newspaper online, how can ezp manage this, issue and folders, he must create the same folders every day ...

Thinking about function or datatype with attribute issue number, folder(s) name which can be add/remove, and the folders default value is his sections.

Thanks in advanced.

Michael Maclean

Saturday 03 February 2007 10:32:02 am

I'm about to do almost exactly that with a site I'm doing - though it's for a radio station, and they want the schedule of programmes to be automatically added every day or week. I haven't implemented it yet, but what I think will happen is that I will have a folder called Programmes or something similar at the top level, which contains all the shows in folders for each day. Some time every week, a cron job will copy the entire subtree to a place on the live site, and change any dates inside the objects as required. That's what I think at the moment, but I might change it later when I actually get round to doing it (which might be tomorrow). I will keep you informed and make any code I write available.

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Marvix Marx

Tuesday 06 February 2007 8:50:23 am

Didn`t found any ezp site with the same idea, so any more idea will be nice ^^