Forums / General / Custom Tags, once again

Custom Tags, once again

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Andrew Kelly

Monday 12 December 2005 5:47:59 am

Hi all,

I'm kind of uptight about "pristine sources", so I'm trying to make sure that an update check will always show me that my files are fine, and take care of all my business in overrides. But I'm having a bit of a headache regarding [CustomTagSettings] in content.ini (bzw. content.ini.append.php).

The clean content.ini has under [CustomTagSettings] 5 items in the
AvailableCustomTags[] array. I'd very much like to make some go away but I'm not having any luck with that, unless I do in the actual content.ini file.

Can somebody please show me how to overwrite this array, or get rid of one of its elements (factbox for example)?
I've tried this in both my siteaccess and the global override:
AvailableCustomTags[]=myothertag (and so on)

But the best I can come up with is that the tags settings/content.ini are available, followed by my additional tags from either the global override or my siteaccess override.

Am I missing something simple, or is the online editor stuff just not playing nice?
