Forums / General / Custom match file: path 'full/<some>.tpl' not found in any resource. Check the template settings in settings/override.ini

Custom match file: path 'full/<some>.tpl' not found in any resource. Check the template settings in settings/override.ini

Author Message

valentin maior

Wednesday 21 April 2010 1:29:31 am


I have a very strange behaviour in by admin interface.

Don't really know why but for one type of objects(one only) I can not see the any details.

To be more precise ...In the Content tab I click on a page that contains several object of one type.If I click on one, I would expect to see the details in order to be able to modify it.On my development env everything is OK but on preprod my client has the above problem.

I suppose it is something about the overwriting of some templates....override.ini keeps appearing but have no idea how to fix this.

Got any idea?

Thank you

Peter Keung

Wednesday 21 April 2010 8:48:59 am

This will happen if you have an override rule enabled for the Administration Interface siteaccess (either in settings/override/override.ini.append.php -- bad idea -- or settings/siteaccess/name_of_ai_siteaccess) but that was intended only for a particular front-end siteaccess. So then that template that eZ Publish is looking for exists in a design used by the front-end siteaccess (see the [DesignSettings] block in settings/siteaccess/name_of_siteaccess/site.ini.append.php) but not by the Administration Interface siteaccess. Of course, the offending rule might also exist in an extension, so you could find out where the rule exists by going to Settings > INI Settings in the Administration Interface to view the combined sources of the final override.ini file.

If the offending override rule is important for the front-end siteaccess, then move it to override.ini.append.php for that siteaccess only.
Mugo Web, eZ Partner in Vancouver, Canada