Friday 02 March 2007 10:12:35 am
Okay I found the TPL that relates to my form, now I will clarify my issue. The following link is my form: Now heres my issue, the form is simply not done right I think. Instead of sending me this answer, like it should, for example on "I am interested in" (assuming someone chooses just two things): I am intertested in: electronics, vibration transducers Instead, my idiot programmer made it so that each item on the form, without exception, is a line with a colon. So it looks like 12 pages of this: name: catalog: Vibration transducer: etc you get the idea. This form should print out in 1 page, 2 max. So my question is, how do I fix it? Any good tutorials? I don't want to change the form itself, just the manner in which it is formatted. So heres the code:
{set-block scope=root variable=subject}{"Collected information from %1"|i18n("design/base",,array($|wash))}{/set-block}
{set-block scope=root variable=email_receiver}{$object.data_map.recipient.content}{/set-block}
{* Set this to redirect to another node
{set-block scope=root variable=redirect_to_node_id}2{/set-block}
{"The following information was collected"|i18n("design/base")}:
{section name=Attribute loop=$node.data_map}
{if and(ne($Attribute:item.contentclass_attribute_name,'Recipient'),
{if eq($Attribute:item.contentclass_attribute_name,'Vibration Transducers')}
<br /><strong>I am interested in:</strong><br />
{if eq($Attribute:item.contentclass_attribute_name,'Utility')}
<br /><strong>Company Description Profile:</strong><br />
{attribute_result_gui view=info attribute=$:item}