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Contact Details

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Mike Sperrey

Wednesday 21 May 2008 6:58:11 am

Is it possible to have one page, where you have all the different contact info for your site (telephone numbers, emails, etc) and then be able to call on that information throughout your site in different place when needed?

This would mean if these details had to change, you would only need to update it in one place and not hunt down all the different locations of a telephone number or email address.

Gaetano Giunta

Wednesday 21 May 2008 9:33:02 am

This is eZ bread and butter: make a content object that stores that info, and then publish it in different nodes in your content tree. If you prefer to make a complete page where all your info is shown, you can use virtual urls to have it appear also "at different places"

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Mark Emms

Thursday 22 May 2008 1:41:40 am

That's great for having a Contact page with details on it that you can republish as a whole page - I'm sure lots of us do exactly that.

Also you can fetch the attributes of the object (e.g. Sales Telephone Number, address etc) by reference to the object's node id using template functions etc.

This is too technical for end users though who don't know how to use the template language - they want to be able to enter the information using an XML field and still have it updatable.

How about creating classes for telephone numbers, addresses etc., and publishing them as objects in their own right (organised into an appropriately named container class), these can then have embed-inline/inline templates etc. that make them appear nicely formatted when dropped into an XML field by the end user. This gives more flexibility in terms of which bits of the data are shown where.

Then it would be relatively straightforward to create a new object class and associated templates, which accesses these classes (and therefore remains up to date when contact details get changed) using the template language as your Contact Page which can then be republished wherever you like.

Or is there another way?

Tony Wood

Thursday 22 May 2008 2:15:25 am

Hi Mark,

You are right, having a specialised datatypes for Telephone numbers addresses would be really useful. It would mean the entire community would store addresses in a similar way. This would make CRM and Integration a lot easier. Especially as we are moving into an era of increased machine to machine readable information. I feel a standard is a must.


Tony Wood :
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Mike Sperrey

Thursday 22 May 2008 3:35:32 am

Next version then maybe? or is there something out there that someone has built that will do the job?