Forums / General / Configuring Oasis extension

Configuring Oasis extension

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Emili Hernández

Friday 05 January 2007 4:14:20 am


I am configuring the Oasis extension and it is advised to get the deamon to work you need to have compiled PHP with the following switches:


Unfortunately, my web page run in a shared web server and it’s not possible to activate these options.

But the hosting administrator asks to me as they're the necessary libraries and he decides if he can put them in the web server or not.

What is these libraries?

Sorry for my bad english :(

kracker (the)

Monday 08 January 2007 7:41:01 pm

What version of eZ publish are you using?

Why not use the ezodf extension instead, it comes with the latest release of eZ publish, 3.9

You will need a php-cli binary, some hosts will provide this, some won't. There are workarounds yet most solutions come from finding a host which provides support for all of your eZ publish related software requirements

php-cli is used to run any of eZ publish shell scripts, I don't know of the others offhand.


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