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Configurable Product

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Mihai007 Pop

Friday 29 January 2010 2:02:28 am

Hi Everyone.

I was just wondering. Is there an easy way of doing the following using current standard ezpublish setup?

I want to sell aluminium windows. Thus I need to let my client click on a top-hung window product and he/she can then read info about the product. Then on the side the client would have options such as width, height, number of vents and then colour.

Now, when the client chooses the width and the height only a certain number of vents can be shown based on the width and height chosen. For example: a small window of w600 x h600 can only have one vent, but a choice of w2400 x h1500 can have 2 or 4 vents. Based on these selections a different price and an image is shown to the client.

Can this be achieved? I was looking at ezcategoryselection datatype, but it seems to have stopped working in ver.4.2...

Has anyone tried and perhaps managed to make use of such a scenario?

Any help in the right direction would help...

Thank you for all the great work so far to the eZ team and the community.


Bertrand Dunogier

Friday 29 January 2010 3:31:01 am

Try these:


They will let you allow your customers to choose options, and will automatically add the matching price for each option.

Bertrand Dunogier
eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon