Forums / General / 'Comparison table' format not reproducable

'Comparison table' format not reproducable

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Torsten Brauer

Friday 25 April 2008 8:00:43 am

I don't know wether it's a bug or just me...

My site includes a number of xml-type datafields, displaying the publicationlists of the members of our institution. To make the appearance nice and uniform, each list ist supposed to be a two-column table, formatted as 'comparison table' (ez standard format), showing in the left column the date of publication, in the right column all the other information.

I create the tables, assign the format, add content. How the table will look like in the end I do not know before it is published... an example can be found here
Hit the 'mehr/weniger' button next to 'Veroeffentlichungen' to view the tables.

All those tables are created in exactly the same way, yet they display in two different ways (those further down are displaying correctly, as I understand the design). As ist seems to me, ez just sometimes doesn't add the <col class="bglight" /> tag. Or is it me?

Anyway, trying to reproduce at least something I ran quite a number of different tests on publicating 'comparison tables'. In the beginning, all tables are displayed correctly. Normaly the problem arises when the numer of lines exceeds a rare handful. Yet sometimes you can add quite a number of lines without any problems. I although thougt about some rare or strange characters which might interfere, yet even filling in just 'aaaa' might bring up the issue.

As of now, I'm completely lost.