Forums / General / Colletor of Informations : thinking !!

Colletor of Informations : thinking !!

Author Message

Abdelkader RHOUATI

Friday 14 January 2011 6:21:55 am

Hello all,

Most of us have used at least once a collector of information in a contact form.

It is simple, easy and quick to implement. But his only problem is that is limited to two features:
- collect information
- send a mail and only one, certainly we can define the destination and also put people in cc, but no more.
In addition, and unfortunately it is not extendible.

I think if we can add a trigger, before / after the operation of collection information. This trigger can start a workflow, and then specific treatment can be added using a custom event (sending a second mail, modifying a content ...)

What does the community think? there was someone working on this?


Abdelkader RHOUATI

Blog (french) :
Extension arh_jdebug : EzDebug using jquery

Gaetano Giunta

Saturday 15 January 2011 4:43:48 am

+1. Please add a feature request in the tracker

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Abdelkader RHOUATI

Sunday 16 January 2011 2:52:32 pm


Ok I'll do once I know how ! lol.

How can i add a feature request in the tracker ?


Abdelkader RHOUATI

Blog (french) :
Extension arh_jdebug : EzDebug using jquery

Nicolas Pastorino

Monday 17 January 2011 2:19:07 am



Ok I'll do once I know how ! lol.

How can i add a feature request in the tracker ?



Hi Abdelkader !

Simply visit , log-in with you account (login link at the top-right corner of the page), click "Issues" in the second-level top-menu bar, then "Add an issue (left part of the page, right above the issues list)". Then the proposed form is quite self-explanatory. When entering a request for enhancement, select the according type in the "Type" drop-down at the top of the right-column.

Let us know if you are experiencing issues,
(and please give us the link to the request ;) )
Cheers !

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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Abdelkader RHOUATI

Monday 17 January 2011 2:37:58 am

Hi Nicolas,

It's done :

I already use, but i never know that can be used also to request for enhancement.

Tks for help !

Abdelkader RHOUATI

Blog (french) :
Extension arh_jdebug : EzDebug using jquery

Nicolas Pastorino

Monday 17 January 2011 2:44:50 am

Excellent ! I added my "+1" on it in the issue tracker, i encourage all promoters of this good idea to do the same.

And yes, the issue tracker can totally be used for submitting requests for enhancements.

Have a nice day !

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

eZ Publish Community on twitter:

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