Forums / General / Class edit not working (3.2-4 (3.2-x?)) CRITICAL!!

Class edit not working (3.2-4 (3.2-x?)) CRITICAL!!

Author Message

Claus Jensen

Thursday 08 January 2004 2:28:58 am

I have reported a bug about this: but also wonder if other people have experienced this.

I edit a class by adding some fields, and when I try to make objects of it, only the old fields is displayed and not the new ones. All new objects is in other words of the old version. Its like the class edit dont work on this class.

This happens with several admins, also the one who is the modifier.
Also when I try to change the name of a field, it is not stored. But it is not consequent, because I could change the name of one of the fields, but not the two others.

EZ! I have dumps of the database both before and after, so you may see for yourself. Mail me cuj [att] norgit [dot] no to get these dbdumps. Please look at this...


Kåre Køhler Høvik

Tuesday 13 January 2004 4:42:18 am

PHP 4.2.2 session handlig related bug. Other users experiencing problems like this should upgrade to the newest stable PHP 4 version.

Kåre Høvik

Kåre Høvik

Claus Jensen

Tuesday 20 January 2004 6:11:59 am

Hello all!
Finally upgraded and working, phuh!! :) Now ez is working perfectly. The reason for all the trouble was a bugging version of PHP (4.2.2!!). We had problems with all our ezpublish sites, so we naturally thought that ez was the problem. But there was no documentation on it, and not much help to get until Kåre Høvik had a second look at the problem. To others having similar problems, check your php version before submitting a bugreport.

Many thanks to Kåre for FINALLY getting our problem out of this world!
