Tuesday 07 September 2004 1:35:40 am
Hello all, I've got 2 questions about the confirmation of new users. First, the e-mail they receive contains a wrong confirmation URL, since index.php is mentioned twice. I use portsetup, so it should be mentioned once. At the bottom of this message, you find the source of the e-mail. I've removed 'index.php' in 'SiteSettings', 'SiteURL' in my siteaccess site.ini.append.php override, but the URL didn't change. The second question: There is no need for my users to get an activation e-mail. Since I'd have to approve new users, I'd like to receive these e-mails. What file(s) do I have to alter, so that all confirmation e-mails are sent to me, instead of my users? Thank you in advance! Cheers, Maaarten /design/standard/templates/user/activateaccountmail.tpl:
{* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! Use an override template instead. *}
{set-block scope=root variable=subject}{"Confirm user registration at %siteurl"|i18n("design/standard/user/register",,hash('%siteurl',ezini("SiteSettings","SiteURL")))}{/set-block} {'Your user account at %siteurl has been created'|i18n('design/standard/user/register',,hash('%siteurl',ezini("SiteSettings","SiteURL")))}
{'Account information'|i18n('design/standard/user/register')}:
{'Login'|i18n('design/standard/user/register')}: {$user.login} {'Email'|i18n('design/standard/user/register')}: {$user.email}
{'Click the following URL to confirm your account'|i18n('design/standard/user/register')} http://{ezini("SiteSettings","SiteURL")}{concat("user/activate/",$hash)|ezurl(no)}