Forums / General / Changeing the feedback form

Changeing the feedback form

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bester tester

Monday 29 March 2010 1:55:24 am


i`m new here and i have correctly installed ezp v 4.2.0 and it works fine. it was my first time using ezp. but i have some questions.

can someone please help me with how to make some changes in the feedback form. Or is there any manual that can explain how to make changes and how to make the feedback form work?

AND/OR ist it possible to integrade myself php form script so that i doesen`t have the need to use the form?

Many thanks


Catherine Mollet

Monday 29 March 2010 5:28:20 am

Hi Jack,

There's a very detailled and very usefull article here :

Hope it could help you as it helped me !