Forums / General / Cannot use assign-op operators with overloaded objects

Cannot use assign-op operators with overloaded objects

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Eivind Marienborg

Friday 29 September 2006 4:36:45 am


My eZ installation has started behaving weirdly, and I haven't been able to resolve the issue yet. Hope someone have some experience with this.

When I access pages on my site using the path_url (ie., everything works fine. But if I try accessing the same page using the content/view/full/ - url, I get the following error:

Parse error: parser stack overflow in /www/html/vhost/ on line 13306

Fatal error: Unknown function: () in /www/html/vhost/ on line 171
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request

The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

The line number in the Fatal error is sometimes relpaced by 1634887022, but obviously the file doesn't have this many lines. It's also sometimes replaced with 0. Anyways, the line number doesn't seem to have anything to do with the node I'm trying to view. In this example, I'm accessing my own user, and line 171 is the wildcard-things for a completely different user.

The error occurs both in user and admin siteaccess.

I have tried clearing all caches (I get the same error when trying to clear the cache using the web interface, so I have deleted everything in var/cache and var/plain/cache manually). Is there anything else I can try?

This error also occurs when accessing user/register and user/login, once again with reference to this enormously high line number (1634887022).

<b>UPDATE 2:</b>
content/action also gives this error.
When trying to access a .swf-file directly (, I also get this error - Even though I thought a file like this is sorted out in RewriteRule in Apache, and shouldn't even get processed through the eZ system?

Claudia Kosny

Friday 29 September 2006 3:12:42 pm

Hello Eivind

According to what I have googled about the error message in the title of your posting this error can occur when trying to use the '.=' concatenation if the left hand side is an array entry but even then it does not occur often or regularly. Which of course does not help much right now...

So here just few questions:
- Disable wildcardurl translation (you can do that in the site.ini under urlsettings) and empty the cache. Does the same error still occur after that?
- Make a lokal copy of the site (maybe without the contents of var/storage if that is to much to download) and try whether the same error still occurs.
- Copy the wild card file from the cache into another , non Z-folder and try to call up the function in there. If that is possible at all - does it work or do you get some error again?
- What version of PHP do you use and did you maybe change your PHP version recently?

Greetings from Luxembourg


Eivind Marienborg

Monday 02 October 2006 1:52:49 am

Hi Claudia, and thanks for your help! Disabling the wildcard translation made the problem go away.

So I guess the issue now is to fix the Wildcard translation..?

My guess is that something have gone wrong when something has been entered into the database. This is a community site, with between 600 and 2000 new objects every day. On another site I'm running the whole site crashed in a similar incident (

And I'm also wondering what I've just turned off, when I disabled the wildcard translation..? What on my site won't work?

Thanks again! :)

Claudia Kosny

Monday 02 October 2006 2:56:39 pm

Hi Eivind

As far as I have tried it out it is really only the wildcard url translation which is affected by this settings which means you can see what urls will not work anymore in the url translator view.

As for how to solve this problem - I frankly do not know. I would take a look at the ezurlalias table and check whether there are any unusual entries in there. Maybe copy the database to a lokal install and play around with the files involved in url wildcard translation. Check how and where the wildcard cache file is read again - maybe there is an error there. Check for uninitialised variabloes or the string concat I mentioned in my previous post. Unfortunately the error is to obscure (for me) to know exactly what to look for.

Greetings from Luxembourg and good luck
