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Cannot clear the cache to view new content

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Randeep Walia

Tuesday 21 September 2004 11:53:36 pm

I set up a test environment on my local machine to create my EZ site and everything went fine, but when I migrated everything over to my server I've had a few problems.

Probably the most annoying one right now is that if I post new content or ammend old content the changes won't display on my site. Clearing the cache via the setup menu does not fix the problem either. Rather, I have to navigate into my var/sitename directory and delete the content folder for it to show up.

I checked up on my site.ini files and they seem to be correct to me, I thought I might have overode something I wasn't supposed to from my local setup but I'm not sure what it might be.

Any ideas on this problem? I am using EZ 3.4.1

Randeep Walia is powered by EZ Publish

Kåre Køhler Høvik

Wednesday 22 September 2004 1:06:18 am

Sounds like file permissions problem with you var dir. Please make sure that the webserver has got write access to everything in var/

Kåre Høvik

Randeep Walia

Wednesday 22 September 2004 11:39:53 am

Yeah, I know I need to do a better job of explining everything I did to check the problem: I already had done that and yes, permissions are set properly (and recursively) for all the directories under var.

When I installed 3.4, I told it to use 'Plain' as the type of website. I then went on to rename the site in a manner consistent with the Scandinavian Checkmates tutorial, however, I have noticed that there is a 'plain' directory under var along with my 'sitename' directory. Is this normal? Could it be causing the problem?


Randeep Walia is powered by EZ Publish

Michael Zeidler

Wednesday 22 September 2004 1:56:59 pm

Not really. This new var file is created by your ez installation itself, thus it has write permissions for the new siteinterface within ./var. This is essential to create and delete all the cache- and content files you uploaded by using the new siteaccess.

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Randeep Walia

Thursday 23 September 2004 3:12:00 pm

If these site permissions within the ./var directory were deleted, might that be causing the problem I'm talking about? I believe that I might have deleted the entire var directory at one point in the belief that it was all compiled content and would be regenerated. Maybe I was deadly wrong. I know for sure that this is where uploaded images are stored so I know better now than to go messing around inside of it but if I deleted the var directory- would I have caused the sorts of problems I am having now?

What I do know is this- on my test Windows development environment Clicking the Clear All Caches button will not reset the templates that are included by other templates via {include uri} statements- I have to delete my var/sitename/cache/template directory by hand. Content changes are updated automatically, however, as well as templates that serve as the root display- such as full view templates.

On my remote hosted Linux environment nothing, NOTHING gets updated until I delete the var/cache directory. Even if I add new content or change existing content, it won't show up.

I've gone through all my ini settings but I can't figure out what may be causing this problem.

Randeep Walia is powered by EZ Publish

Randeep Walia

Saturday 13 November 2004 7:03:13 pm

Okay, the problem was this- the permissions were set properly, but the ownership was not set properly. I had to get my hosting service to make Apache the owner of that folder and it worked. I also had the VarDir variable set to var/plain instead of var/sitename in my admin/site.ini file

Randeep Walia is powered by EZ Publish