Forums / General / Calendar Days - Bug

Calendar Days - Bug

Author Message

John Smith

Friday 22 August 2008 2:45:27 am

Hi there,

Hope someone can help me. I been struggling for dont know how many days to fix the calendar...

The problem starts when I upgraded 3.6.1 to 4.0.0...

The calender here I am talking about is the old calender which can be switched on from the Toolbar management to be displayed in the right column...

In 3.6.1 the calender was associated with event_class and working fine.....

The problem after upgradation:

1. If you navigate the calender to january and feburay of every year, it inserts 7 empty cells while displaying dates in the calender starting from the second row. It works fine for other months of the year.....

For e.g. Lets us suppose in year jan 2007, the calendar display 1 to 6 dates in first row, then in the second row, the first cell of the row is number 7 and then 6 empty cells. The third row first cell is emply and then after diplaying dates 8 to 13. Fourth row starts with date 14 and then another 6 empty cells.. The sequence follows till the end of the calendar.

2. Few dates are becoming links without any reason for jan and feb of every year......

<b>I today installed ezpublish 4.0.1 to confirm whether it has been fixed or not but it is same bug in the new fresh version as well.</b>

Can anybody help.

