Forums / General / Caching of content/search
Håvard Bergersen
Thursday 17 June 2010 1:03:44 am
I know this problem has been mentioned before, but I can't seem to find a solution anywhere..
The problem is quite similar to this
The problem is that when i search something (using ezfind btw) I get correct results, but when i try to chenge the search to something else I get the same results as before, so is seems like the result of a search is cached..
How can this be?
And how ca this be fixed?
André R.
Thursday 17 June 2010 4:59:13 am
There are no caching of search content by default other then Solr cache for ezfind, but I don't think that is what you have issues with.
Typical mistakes would be:
Anything that fits?
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