Wednesday 09 February 2011 11:51:36 pm
Hi. We are currently running a site ezpublish 4.1.3 in a shared environment. Currently the performance on the server has been decreasing and we experience new issues which we have never experienced before. The problem is related to translation files and caching it appears. We have not done any changes to the installation in several weeks ,still the customer reports that some of the translations do not currently work. Basically this means that on our site we get english default text, not the translated one which is expected. After we clear the cache using ezcache --clear-all --purge from commandline the expected result is once again returned and all elements are translated from the translation files. Do you have any ideas why this happens? Any thing we can do to resolve this issue? The site currently has all translation set to enabled as well as template compile and template cache enabled. There are currently several translation files being used, but this should not be a problem because we use an extensive array of extensions.