Forums / General / cache-ttl only for logged in users?

cache-ttl only for logged in users?

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Carlos Revillo

Sunday 15 February 2009 10:48:28 pm

Hi. I'm looking for a way to play with cache-ttl but only for logged in users. i mean, if a user is not logged in, cache-ttl will not be used.

I think this could be useful for articles, in terms of performance, for pages where you put links to "add to your bookmarks" or something like that, and only registered uses can use this functionality. (maybe the same could be applied for rating articles...). Normally no all your visitors are registered users and registered user doesn't always log in.

as far i know, if you use something

{if $current_user.is_logged_in}
{set-block scope=root variable=cache_ttl}0{/set-block}

pages is always "regenerated" and not cache file is loaded even if the user is not logged in.

Any ideas? Could this be an enchancement?

André R.

Monday 16 February 2009 12:54:53 am

The code above should work if your logged in users have different roles then your anonymous users.
BUT: this is the lazy way of solving the "issue", as there are ways to get personalized content (ajax), or alternatively you can take advantage of 4.1 that has support for caching specific pages pr user:

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Carlos Revillo

Monday 16 February 2009 1:11:51 am

Hi André. Thanks for your reply.

Ajax doesn't exactly solve my needs, because accesibility reasons. i will need javascript for ajax and i wouldn't want to depend on javascript for this.

About caching specific pages pr user, i am already using it for some pages, but my problem is that i would need soemthing similar for every content of a class.

I mean, if i have a class article with maybe 10.000 articles in my site, i wouldn't want to modify my ini files any time a new article is added.

We have discussed about the same some weeks ago ;-)