Forums / General / Broken content after re-edit

Broken content after re-edit

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tobias t

Sunday 29 March 2009 1:58:39 pm


i updated a site from 3.4.3 to 4.0.1 following the upgrade-path, this worked really well exept one really annoing bug:
when i insert a new content item, after the first saving everything is displayed nice, but when i edit & save it again the content is really broken, showing (encoded) html-tags, missing parts of words..

Could i missed some (ini-)setting?

I'm really trying to find the solution to this problem but all my searching and trying doesn't solve it :(

I would be really thankful for any help!

Many thanks in advance,

My setup:
- ez-publish 4.0.1
- eZ Online Editor version: 4.3.1
- eZ Publish Website Interface Version: 1.3.0
- eZ extension Version: 2.2.0