Forums / General / breadcrumb navigation

breadcrumb navigation

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Amer Azzaz

Tuesday 03 January 2006 6:59:19 am

Any idea on how to display the breadcrumb navigation ?

Philip K.

Tuesday 03 January 2006 8:42:22 am

I use this code for my breadcrump navigation

It is displayed like this: Home / Site1 / Sub of Site 1 / ...

{section name=Path loop=$module_result.path}
    {section show=$Path:item.url}
        {section show=is_set($Path:item.url_alias)}
            <a class="bcrump" href={$Path:item.url_alias|ezurl} style="text-decoration: none;" title="{$Path:item.text|wash}">{$Path:item.text|wash}</a>&nbsp;/
            <a class="bcrump" href={$Path:item.url|ezurl} style="text-decoration: none;" title="{$Path:item.text|wash}">{$Path:item.text|wash}</a>&nbsp;/
        <span style="margin: 0px; font-size: 10px;">{$Path:item.text|wash}</span>

Linux is like a wigwam; no windows, now gates, and apache inside!

Brian Gambill

Tuesday 03 January 2006 9:24:00 am

There is already a template for this that can be found in

It looks like:

{section name=Path loop=$module_result.path}
    {section show=$Path:item.url}
        {section show=is_set($Path:item.url_alias)}
            <a href={$Path:item.url_alias|ezurl}>{$Path:item.text|wash}</a> /
            <a href={$Path:item.url|ezurl}>{$Path:item.text|wash}</a> /

I amde a copy of this in my design/xx/override/templates/parts, along with my customizations and include it in pagelayout.tpl with:

{include uri="design:parts/path.tpl"}