Forums / General / Batch Publishing of Documents

Batch Publishing of Documents

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Drew Loika

Thursday 06 May 2010 5:12:37 pm

Greetings all,

I'm evaluating eZ Publish for a research group at a public university. We'd like to publish some (mostly) static pages about us and our projects but where I'm having trouble is that we'd also like to publish our numerous collection of research documents. I've downloaded an am using the eZ Publish Evaluation (eZ Flow Portal) but I've not yet found an elegant way for a researcher to add a list of documents as links with descriptions to the end of a page describing a project. Telerik's Sitefinity has a slick Document Library block that you can simply point at a collection of related content and it will display thumbnails, title, description, etc. Is there a feature like this for eZ Publish? I tried searching but frankly I'm not sure what to search for, as this functionality doesn't have a common name amongst the CMS/ECM/WCMS I'm reviewing. I also didn't see anything in the documentation.

Thanks so much!


Drew Loika

Monday 10 May 2010 4:02:50 pm

Any ideas? How are documents easily published & managed with eZ Publish?


Abdelkader RHOUATI

Monday 10 May 2010 4:26:02 pm


Takes a look at this extension, it offers several interesting feature included document management.


Abdelkader RHOUATI

Blog (french) :
Extension arh_jdebug : EzDebug using jquery

Drew Loika

Wednesday 12 May 2010 2:18:51 pm

Thanks Abdelkader! I took a look at the project page, that extensions seems heavily focused on project management. I'm imagining the document management to be similar to Sharepoint, ie heavily focused on collaboration. Is that still the best option for what I need, ie the easy presentation/publication of documents, with no collaboration at all?
