Friday 02 December 2005 4:29:19 am
Hello Nathan, thanks for your answer (I'm in France so we are not writing at the same time, sorry ;)
"Are you under a deadline to get this done?" No, I'm doing test and developpement for an adaptation of a website, it's not on a hurry.
"Is this the type of thing you're after: (though this has no TOC)?" Yes, it's very good, it's a part of what I'd like to do, if we could display a TOC too with the title of each page it could be really fine. Congratulations for your job, it's really great. Is it only with the template of the "article-full" or is it a more complexe thing, like an extension ?
Here an example of what i'm looking for (this is an article module in a forum's software, we have a TOC and a block with "next page/ previous page"). So, when this multipage article will be ready I will test it with a lot of pleasure... Just tell me here ;) Best Regards