Forums / General / attribute_view_gui


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Softriva .com

Friday 21 July 2006 10:25:54 am

{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.image}

I am trying to display the image; however, only a link to the image is displayed. How can I display the image?

Softriva .com

Friday 21 July 2006 12:09:58 pm

The reason I am asking is because this function behaves different from 3.7.5 and 3.8.1.

In 3.7.5 and actual image is produced but in 3.8.1 just a link.

Coulibaly Ibrahim

Monday 24 July 2006 1:01:07 am

try this.

{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.image image_class="original" }  

Softriva .com

Friday 12 January 2007 10:50:32 am


I just added this link to make easy for other to find the solution.

Thank you