Forums / General / attribute_filter_array no work

attribute_filter_array no work

Author Message

charlie Olympic

Friday 05 September 2008 1:23:44 am

I have a class with two attributes, I want to see all the purpose of my class who have both attributes not empty.

My two attributes are: "car"-> id=323 and "bicycle"-> id=324


{def $articlez=fetch( content, list,hash(parent_node_id,2,depth,2,limit,5, class_filter_type,'include', class_filter_array,array('faq'),
'attribute_filter_array', array( 'and', array(324, '=', true()), array(332, '=', true()) ), 
'main_node_only', true(), 'sort_by',array('modified',false())) )}
{foreach $articlezas $artic}		

	{if $artic.data_map.reponse.has_content}
		{attribute_view_gui attribute=$artic.data_map.question}

{undef $articlez}

Gabriel Finkelstein

Friday 05 September 2008 10:52:59 am

It's attribute_filter, not attribute_filter_array.

charlie Olympic

Saturday 06 September 2008 1:14:06 am

thank you, I'm trying with attribute_filter