Forums / General / Admin interface dropdown menu config

Admin interface dropdown menu config

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Jeremy B.

Tuesday 21 July 2009 3:21:18 am

Hi there,

I would like to know if there is a way to configure the dropdown menu in the administration interface, specifically the "Create here..." item.

For instance, if I have a structure like :

- Homepage
|------ Masterpage 1
|------------- Article 1
|------------- Article 2
|------ Masterpage 2
|------------- Article 1

I want to limit the classes available for creation :

- I want the user to only create a "masterpage" type in subtree "Homepage"
- I want the user to only create an "article" type in a "Masterpage" subtree
- I don't want the user to create an "article" type under "Homepage"

Is there a way to do this ?

Thanks for your time ! :)

Max Keil

Tuesday 21 July 2009 3:47:54 pm

Hi Jeremy,

create an new user group for your editors and specify the roles and policies like you described in your post.

Class masterpage -> ParentNode 2
Class article -> ParentClass masterpage

Assign your new role to the editors user group. That's it!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Best regards

Max Keil

eZ Publish Gold Partner -

Jeremy B.

Thursday 23 July 2009 11:55:58 pm

Thanks Max for your answer :)