Forums / General / Accessibility-questions


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Stephan .de

Wednesday 19 January 2005 7:28:46 am

Hi from Germany,

I am playing now for longer time arround with different CMS with a focus to accessiblity and what I saw at the EZP-demo looks good.

Bevore I dive deeper into the CMS I have two questions:

1. In the demo and at other EZ-sites I saw, that ever the active page have an avtive link.

For example (from the demo user interface):

<li><a href="/media_files">Media files</a></div></li>
<li class="selected"><div class="spacing"><a href="/files">Files</a></div></li>
<li><a href="/weblog">Weblog</a>

Here is the page "Files" the active page an I can use for the link a different color with the css-class "selected", good but not enough :-)
Is it possible, to change the code, to have only the word "Files" without the link?
<li class="selected"><div class="spacing">Files</div></li>

I ask, because for screenreader users it is not usefull, when a link point to the active page.

2. In the demo there are at the page "Files" two links to deeper pages. The linktext is "Details...".
So a screenreader user have in a generated linklist (to become a "overview" about the possible ways to go) two links with same information, but with different targets.
Is it possible, to ad or repeat in the source-code of the link, as a title-information, the text from headers?

<h2>Hello world</h2>
<p><a href="/files/hello_world">Details...</a></p>

<h2>Hello world</h2>
<p><a href="/files/hello_world" title="Details: Hello world">Details...</a></p>

When this two things are possible, I think there is another EZP-user out there :-)

Thanks for answering


Mark Marsiglio

Wednesday 19 January 2005 12:46:41 pm

We addressed these issues somewhat in the development of a site for a state agency ( ).

On the first point, yes it is possible to have the current page unlinked, rather than specified with its own CSS tag.

This template code accomplishes this effect:

{let mainMenu=treemenu( $module_result.path, $module_result.node_id,
                        array('newsletter','newsletter_article','feedback_form'), 3,1 )}
{section var=menu loop=$mainMenu}
    {section show=$menu.item.is_selected}
        <li id="nav{$menu.item.level}current">
        <li class="nav{$menu.item.level}">
            <a href={$menu.item.url_alias|ezurl}>{$menu.item.text}</a>

In regards to the second point, we eliminated the "details..." links in favor of only linking the title. This prevented the duplicated link texts. In other words, we linked </code><h2><a href="/helloworld">Hello World</a></h2></code> instead of creating a separate link called details. However, your suggestion is also possible with a little customization.
Turning Ideas Into Strategic Solutions

Stephan .de

Thursday 20 January 2005 11:25:23 am

Thank you - Mark.
