Forums / General / access denied to class for anonymous user

access denied to class for anonymous user

Author Message

Thomas Brandl

Friday 25 July 2003 2:13:44 am

I created a new content classs and two objects derived from that.
I granted the Anonymous role additional read access to that new class.
However, unless I'm logged in as admin, I cannot see these object.

What I tried so far:
- set AnonymousUserID to my admins' ID: works, access granted
- assigning "Anonymous User" to role "Editors": works, access granted
- add "content : * : * " policy to Anonymous, so that it is equal to the "Editors" policy, deleting cache, browser restart: nope, no access.

So this should be a bug?!

Thanks for help!!

Update 29.07.2003
Additional problem:
Once you set the AnonymousUserID to the admin's ID, you cannot log inot the backend anymore. When you try to login with the correct credentials, the login page reloads withouot giving any feedback.

Pirkka Hartikainen

Wednesday 20 August 2003 1:22:44 pm

I have the same problem.

This is the biggest unfixed problem in my current project! I've given the anonymous role a read policy to all sections and modules without any limitations... it doesn't work.

I guess I'm going to give the Editor role to anonymous user as a temporary fix. :-/

Thomas Brandl

Thursday 28 August 2003 7:40:22 am

...and still buggy in 3.2.0! I created a "Info Page" in the root folder, which is accessible by Anonymous (hard to believe). No matter what I add - folders, own classes, more info pages, anonymous can't see ANY of them! I dont' really know, what's so special about the homepage, so anonymous can read it?!

I unfortunately believe that we two are the only ones with that problem. I think hell would break loose if this would make trouble to anybody.
