Forums / General / Access a folder of HTML within the ez root directory?

Access a folder of HTML within the ez root directory?

Author Message

Mark Marsiglio

Thursday 04 November 2004 11:34:38 am

The host that I am using adds a folder to my root directory that contains log file analysis. When I attempt to browse there, it loads my site with a kernel error (module not found). Is there any way to access a non-eZ folder in the midst of an eZ installation?
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Marco Zinn

Thursday 04 November 2004 3:19:54 pm

We have the same issue, as we want some pages to be serves statically.
We solved it by creating a Rewrite rule, that "skips" the "rewrite to index.php" part.
This implies, that you use a virtual host and can use rewrite rules.
See (first user comment) for some hints.
