Forums / General / About uploaded files

About uploaded files

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Franck T.

Monday 08 December 2008 6:27:45 am

Hi there,

All uploaded files are stored in var\mysite\storage\original but they are renamed.
My question is how to retrieve them from this folder with their <b>original name</b> (I'd like to make a back up) ?
Please, don't tell me I'll have to download and rename them all !!!

Ivo Lukac

Monday 08 December 2008 7:10:42 am

Hello Franck,

If it helps 'content/download' view offers original file name when downloading.

Franck T.

Monday 08 December 2008 8:31:37 am

Hum... sorry I don't understand what you mean ...
I have around 250 files to back up and it would be great if i could download them all in one time from the admin interface or from Windows (server-side) with their original names !

Ivo Lukac

Monday 08 December 2008 9:07:16 am

Basicly you have 2 ways:
- to write a PHP-cli script which uses API to get files (harder)
- make a template for special page which fetches all file objects and makes links to files with content/download/.... and than use some spider software (like wget) to collect files using that list with links (easier )

Maybe someone already had same problem and made some of that stuff...

Noicokuna Niemoge

Thursday 22 January 2009 11:58:51 pm

Why there are so many problems with a simple task like file uploading/downloading? o_O Shouldn't it be there in eZ by default? I'm more and more disappointed.

Shiki soku ze ku...