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3.9/4 Plans

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Paul Forsyth

Tuesday 18 July 2006 7:02:33 am

Hi guys,

From the information available from the conference and on the eZ roadmap i have the following questions.


The roadmap has October as the launch date while the feature list in spec #52 sounds rather ambitious. I gather that a subset will instead be implemented but which features?

I've also heard that 3.9 will be a community release with many of the community extensions included. How will this work in practise, short and long term? If you can please refer to the question i asked a few months ago on the public mailing list:


Since eZ 4 will be based on the 3.X code base and php 4 will there be the promised rewrites of system features? Specifically, which features from the feature list: will be implemented?



Paul Borgermans

Tuesday 18 July 2006 9:17:07 am

Hi Paul

spec #52 is just a large collection of <b>possible</b> features, not what has been decided :-(

About the community features, I guess you are asking about transfer of copyright and licenses?

As you noticed, the roadmap changed dramatically. I would favor even a "port" of the 3.x codebase to php5/6. Within a year, people will really wonder why ez publish is lagging so much behind in php versions ... some will abandon the ship by then


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 19 July 2006 1:16:16 am

Hi Paul,


With only three months to go i cant see much being implemented from the #52 spec list. Looking at the feature list in trunk for 3.9 only one patch has been added.

Wasnt the #52 spec discussed at the conference when the new roadmap was announced?

I heard that the community features would be the best extensions from pubsvn. I also hope that the new project work your team is developing Paul, will be used to manage this if they are to be distributed as part of a new release.

Vidar Langseid

Thursday 20 July 2006 8:53:57 am

Hi guys

Yes, spec #52 is a huge beast. And we are also running out if time regarding the deadline
More details on what we'll make will be available shortly (a week or so).

But in the #52 spec there are also a lot of issues that is rather small. We'll mainly focus on those issues that should be pretty fast to implement. Huge single tasks (compared to for instance the multilingual feature we had in 3.8) will not be done in 3.9

The #52 spec also mentions quite a few community contributions we would like to include. Whatever that will happend is of course not only up to us to decide. This is also dependent on what the contributors would like to do. The contributors in question will be asked for their point of view shortly.

Since eZ4 now will be based on 3.X code, the previous feature list ( ) will not apply to it. That feature list is the basis for what now is called the "eZ platform",

Best regards,
Vidar L

francis Nart

Friday 21 July 2006 6:44:42 am

now that 4.0 is no more PHP5/6 compatible it is a real problem for us.
We had to make promises to a few of our clients so that we would port their installation on php5. More and more clients are now hosting on php5 and they wonder why, such a "great product" like eZ isn't able to run on their platform.
Now that the roadmap schedules a launch in 2008 for the "php5 compatible eZ" I totally agree with Paul...We'll have to have an alternative for our clients that need to change their hosting platforms.

For example, IBM certifies its blade servers only on php 5 (At least in France !) And companies (large companies !) might use those...
We are now on an enterprise CMS...but PHP 4.4 in 2008 doesn't look like enterprise to me...

Paul Forsyth

Friday 21 July 2006 7:08:33 am

Thanks for the reply Vidar.

From a feature point of view it appears 4.0 will be based on items from spec #52. I would urge eZ to reconsider and include critical improvements from the 4.0 feature list. A wait of two and a half years is too long.


Sandro Groganz

Thursday 27 July 2006 1:34:12 am

This article provides more information to your questions.

Please comment there, so we can have all discussions concerning that topic at one point, i.e. attached to the article.

* Platform and Solutions Strategy *

Aleksander Farstad, CEO eZ systems

eZ systems has committed itself to a new long-term software development
strategy. This plan foresees a clear distinction between the development
and deployment platform and turn-key software solutions. In this
article, CEO Aleksander Farstad explains the new strategy and the
benefits for both end users and developers.

Sandro Groganz
Chief Knowledge Officer