
Author Message

Pablo Pernot

Monday 02 November 2009 5:41:50 am

First of all, It's excellent to have this new community portal.

You know, criticism is easy, but with in mind the goal to make the portal even better I have to say that I'm a bit disappointed by the overall design. It's not the better design I ever seen.

It's an important thing, because you know our customers love portals, media sites, mobile sites, etc. So a great design is the first step to sell, deploy, convince people about eZPublish.


Pablo Pernot

Damien Pobel

Monday 02 November 2009 6:46:41 am


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Piotrek Karaś

Monday 02 November 2009 7:58:38 am


First of all, It's excellent to have this new community portal.

You know, criticism is easy, but with in mind the goal to make the portal even better I have to say that I'm a bit disappointed by the overall design. It's not the better design I ever seen.

It's an important thing, because you know our customers love portals, media sites, mobile sites, etc. So a great design is the first step to sell, deploy, convince people about eZPublish.


I've always enjoyed the simplicity of eZ's designs, so I'm not disappointed there, but the design could naturally be improved. However, I wouldn't like to see evolution towards complex and heavy, just a better finish.

Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o.,
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André R.

Monday 02 November 2009 1:33:01 pm

Hi guys!

What about giving some constructive/specific feedback so it's a bit easier for the developers to know what to improve?

My suggestions:

  • Links are currently a bit hard to see since they don't use a unique styling (orange used for several things and some places links are not orange). Makes the page a bit hard to read.
  • There is a misalignment of orange line in header on monitors above 1280 pixels width.
  • Path text should be white to be more readable
  • user-info links should be bold to be readable, possible / alternative a sold background color behind the links in some way

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Piotrek Karaś

Monday 02 November 2009 1:57:56 pm

There are plenty other specific issues/ideas in this thread, I'm sure we don't have to repeat those:


  • I would prefer a different color for the path bar (now orange) and the background color of the collapsible menus (same orange now).
  • It would be much more accessible if the collapsible menu had entire item blocks changing color on hover rather than just underline.

Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o.,
eZ references:
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Gaetano Giunta

Tuesday 03 November 2009 2:19:43 am

  • "background color of the collapsible menus" => agree. Either that, or at least add a lighter-colored border around collapsable menus when they are expanded, so that they do not merge seamlessy into toolbar
  • add links to user profiles wherever a user name/icon is shown (eg. on right hand of posts)

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Gaetano Giunta

Tuesday 03 November 2009 2:43:35 am

Shrink the space wasted on the yellowish banner-bar at the top. Screens are getting wider and wider, but often shorter. vertical estate is a precious resource...

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Sylvain Gogel

Tuesday 03 November 2009 2:30:53 pm

  • Site header would be better if smaller
  • Breadcrumb would enjoy some nice stuff like jbreadcrumb and yea this orange background need redesign
  • Footer could be feature rich with some extra links / rss aggregations / Featured articles or tutorials
  • Get eZPublish block in left column deserve some serious design to be more appealing
  • Too much vertical scrolling, as gaetano (hey, dude!) report screen goes wider but also shorter
  • Homepage is in some way too heavy with almost 290k of text only stuff and can take up to 8s to fully display
  • W3C compliance, home page does not validate against w3c validator
  • The big spiral pics on homepage ruins visitor first feelings
  • I'm not sure of the purpose of "eZ Publish" second level navigations in articles and tutorials, i guess all article will be attached to this folder
  • Primary navigation active item should be highlighted in some way
  • Input Buttons are not styled according to the site theme
  • Inserting a link in the wysiwyg is defaulted to eznode should be http IMHO
  • In forum right col include poster name and pics, a link to user profil could be nice, extra informations (Member since / Postings) are most of the time not relevant and should not be displayed by default, may be on rollover


Agence Web, Créa/Conseils, Accessibilité
eZPublish, Drupal, Zend, Symfony

Nicolas Pastorino

Wednesday 04 November 2009 12:17:43 am

Thanks for this constructive feedback!

It is being crunched step by step :)

I remind you that any highly motivated developer can contact community [at] ez [dot] no. We are in the process of building's dedicated team, who'd take care of the platform, let it evolve according to the most prominent comunity's needs, content-wise and code-wise.

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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Gaetano Giunta

Thursday 05 November 2009 9:51:50 am

The location of "actionable buttons" and "metadata informations" is not consistent at all: for post replies the 'vote' icon is on top of the comment, next to the publication date. The pub date is far from the name of the poster, while they should be close. The 'quote' button is at bottom left. For posts themselves the 'share' and 'print' icons share the sma line of the nav bar buttons - this way the nav links at the top of the list are placed different than the nav buttons at the bottom of it.

Proposal: move actionable buttons in the right-hand col

Proposal: always use the sam width for navigator buttons

Agree on the dubious usefullnes of 'ezpublish' as 2nd level container

Not so sure about link editor defaulting to http: this way nobody would discover that eznode: even exists...

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board