Forums / Extensions / Why do ez not support jquery plugin

Why do ez not support jquery plugin

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Romeo Antony

Thursday 24 June 2010 1:46:51 am

Any idea why ez not supporting ez

Gaetano Giunta

Thursday 24 June 2010 2:01:37 am

Please explain?

The eZJSCore extension does support jquery...

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Romeo Antony

Thursday 24 June 2010 5:01:10 am

I will explain Gaetano Giunta, I am using ezflow package and eZJSCore is activated in site ini of setting/override



and i have a jquery file ( ) i put t in ezflow extension/ custom design /javascript directory

also declared the in design.ini in site user access.

but it is not working. any idea?

I am looking to take some jquery supporting scripts for image gallery . why it is like this\?

Gaetano Giunta

Thursday 24 June 2010 8:05:56 am

If you declared your new js file in design.ini, it should be loading. But that is easy to check: look at the html source of your rendered page and check if it is there, in the html header section.

If it is: then your problems come from js / jquery. This is probably not the best forum to help you.

If it is not: then you have most likely changed your pagelayout template and are not loading the javascript files that are declared in design.ini. You can either change your pagelayout template so that it does that, or try to load instead via the ezjscore template functions

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Gaetano Giunta

Thursday 24 June 2010 8:06:44 am

ps: you can also check if your design.ini file is really set up correctly by looking at it via the admin interface in the setup/ini settings page

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Romeo Antony

Friday 25 June 2010 4:44:15 pm

Now I am reaching the point

Can you plz check this code in ezjscore.ini and give me suggestion

since I am the first time dealing with ezjscore.

I need 3 jquery files for pgalayout.tpl

1. jquery-1.3.2.min.js

2. jquery.scrollTo-1.4.0-min.js

3. jquery.smoothDivScroll-0.9-min.js

In ezjscore.ini I set it as




Also i didn't get the CDN link for 3rd jquery file jquery.smoothDivScroll-0.9-min.js

So I downloaded this file jquery.smoothDivScroll-0.9-min.js and put it in \extension\ezjscore\design\standard\javascript

And then I load this LocalScripts[jquery]=jquery.scrollTo-1.4.0-min.js

But something wrong with scrolling.

Do I need to declare this js files somewhere else like design.ini.append.php of user site access

Or in somewhere.

Any idea will be helpful

Everything is fine.But I think I need to declare it somewhere else. Any suggestions will be helpfull.

I have checked the whole code in wwwroot dir everything is ok. Any help

Romeo Antony

Friday 25 June 2010 4:51:36 pm

And in template file I have this code too {ezscript_require( array( 'ezjsc::jquery' ) )}