Forums / Extensions / Website Interface / ezwebin 1.5 is NOT 1.5. geo_article-1.5-0.ezpkg missing?

ezwebin 1.5 is NOT 1.5. geo_article-1.5-0.ezpkg missing?

Author Message

RafaƂ Michalski

Monday 12 October 2009 4:38:52 pm


I've downloaded new ezwebin_extension.ezpkg from
as the suggested.

In the upgrade documentation there is geo_article class package mentioned and I can't find it. It is NOT in 'extension/ezwebin/packages/geo_article-1.5-0.ezpkg' as the manual suggests.

Moreover, I have compared files in extension/ezwebin version 1.5 with version 1.4 and it is the same!!!
After upgrade the ezinfo.php shows still version 1.4-3.

I've tried all ezwebin_extension.ezpkg files from all 4.2 branches. The contents of extension/ezwebin is the same as was in 4.1.3 branch.

What is going on then?


OK. I found why. Removing package didn't remove old extension from var/storage/packages. Which is somewhat odd.