Forums / Extensions / The reordering of the blocks doesn't work fine by "drag and drop" - eZ FLow (2.3.0)

The reordering of the blocks doesn't work fine by "drag and drop" - eZ FLow (2.3.0)

Author Message

Israel Martín

Monday 16 May 2011 4:34:19 am

I can't change the order of the blocks in an attribute of the type "layout" (if you do it with the arrows works fine).

In the console appear this message: "regular expression too complex" (./extension/ezflow/design/standard/javascript/blocktools.js line 396)

The code is this:
if( name.match(/([\a-z]+)+_([\d]+)\[([\d]+)\]\[([\d]+)\]/) ) {
name = name.replace( /([\a-z]+)+_([\d]+)\[([\d]+)\]\[([\d]+)\]/, "$1_$2[$3][" + index + "]" );
} else if ( name.match(/([a-zA-Z+]+)\[([\d-\w_]+)-([\d]+)+(-[\w_]+)?\]/) ) {
name = name.replace( /([a-zA-Z+]+)\[([\d-\w_]+)-([\d]+)+(-[\w_]+)?\]/, "$1[$2-" + index + "$4]" );
} else if ( name.match(/([\a-zA-Z]+)+\_+([0-9])/) ) {
name = name.replace( /([\a-zA-Z]+)+\_+([0-9])/, "$1_" + index );

I changed it for this and it works fine (but I'm not sure if it's all ok):
if( name.match(/([a-z]+)+_([\d]+)\[([\d]+)\]\[([\d]+)\]/) ) {
name = name.replace( /([a-z]+)+_([\d]+)\[([\d]+)\]\[([\d]+)\]/, "$1_$2[$3][" + index + "]" );
} else if ( name.match(/([a-zA-Z+]+)\[([\d-\w_]+)-([\d]+)+(-[\w_]+)?\]/) ) {
name = name.replace( /([a-zA-Z+]+)\[([\d-\w_]+)-([\d]+)+(-[\w_]+)?\]/, "$1[$2-" + index + "$4]" );
} else if ( name.match(/([a-zA-Z]+)+\_+([0-9])/) ) {
name = name.replace( /([a-zA-Z]+)+\_+([0-9])/, "$1_" + index );

Maybe it's yet fixed like in:


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