Forums / Extensions / No translation for file (translation.ts) and extension

No translation for file (translation.ts) and extension

Author Message

fagnou jérôme

Tuesday 26 July 2011 6:13:10 am


I installed ezsurvey with ezpublish 4.0.1 version. Extension works carried out after an override of siteaccess :

 Source = node/view/full.tpl

 However, I have a problem with translation files that remain in English whatever language.
 So I added in my override :


 Which gives:

 Locale = eng-GB
 ContentObjectLocale = fre-FR
 ShowUntranslatedObjects = disabled
 SiteLanguageList [] = fre-FR
 SiteLanguageList [] = eng-GB
 SiteLanguageList [] = dut-NL
 TextTranslation = enabled
 TranslationExtensions [] = ezsurvey

 After I clear the cache and i have these errors:

 Warning: ezi18n 26 Jul 2011 5:08:03 p.m.
 No translation for file (translation.ts) in context (ezsurvey / datatypes): 'Survey' with comment (Datatype name)...
 I thought the problem was the character encoding it based on this discussion :

But nothing works !
 Would you have an idea ?

Thanks a lot !