Forums / Extensions / Getting SimplePayment Methods work on 4.1

Getting SimplePayment Methods work on 4.1

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florian arbatowski

Tuesday 02 December 2008 4:26:10 am


i want to use simple payment methods from the download page under Workflows

I download it and added it to the extensions.

But i can't choose it in the Worklfow System, also a Worklfow event for it is not visible.

I need simple Payment, called "Bankeinzug" in German.

Ist there any Tutorial to create a payment gateway by myself

Pascal Specht

Tuesday 02 December 2008 5:53:43 am

Hi Florian,

Actually, the Workflows may just not appear before clearing the caches. That happened to me once. As far as I know there are no tutorials on payment gateways. One way of doing Bankeinzug may just be to take any of the existing payment gateways like SIPS, and simulate a fake 'OK' callback from the 'Bank'... That worked for me when I wrote a cheque payment gateway. Unfortunately I made so many business specific changes on that one that I can't post it as a contribution. But first have a look at the caches, that may just be the problem.

Hope this helps,

florian arbatowski

Wednesday 03 December 2008 3:03:23 am

i solved the Problem by googling and anaylzing the Kernel Workflow Events.
I figured out that in 3.7 addon settings doesn't and with php for ex. workow.ini.append now it is site.ini.append.php

And in older version 3.7 you use

eZWorkflowEventType::registerType( EZ_WORKFLOW_TYPE_PAYMENTMETHODS_ID, "simplepaytype" );

in 4.x you use:

eZWorkflowEventType::registerEventType( EZ_WORKFLOW_TYPE_PAYMENTMETHODS_ID, "simplepaytype" );

I found more old behaviours

in 4.x to