Forums / Extensions / ezTeamRoom


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Henri Gabolde

Thursday 15 April 2010 1:59:29 pm

I try to install ezteamroom. All is fine, exept the last command :

php runcronjobs.php -s ezteamroom frequent
Using siteaccess ezteamroom for cronjob
An unexpected error has occurred. Please contact the webmaster.

In site_admin, all seems Ok, i find classes, roles of teamroom.

But on the Teamrooms frontpage, i see only the teamroom-image-pool and text (Lorem ipsum ...), and no blocks or icons ...

Thanks for your help

Robin Muilwijk

Friday 16 April 2010 2:00:19 am

Hi Henri,

Are you running the command on a local pc or webserver/hosting? In case this is on a webserver/hosting try:

/usr/local/bin/php php runcronjobs.php -s ezteamroom frequent

Regards Robin

p.s. welcome to the community portal ;)

Board member, eZ Publish Community Project Board - Member of the team - Key values: Openness and Innovation.

LinkedIn: // Twitter: // Skype: robin.muilwijk

Ronan Guilloux

Friday 16 April 2010 2:39:06 am

Frequent cronjob launches all the initialization process for the new ezteamrooms you created. It uses the native eZ Publish workflow system. If your .ini settings are wrong, it gives you back some "unexpected error occurred". I solved it this way :

* re-checking all the install process described in extension/ezteamroom/INSTALL file

* re-checking the order of my ActiveExtension[] extension calling (cf. extension/ezteamroom/INSTALL text file, step 4)

* re-checking all the .ini, files in extension/ezteamroom/settings/siteaccess/ezteamroom/*.ini

* re-checking all the .ini, files in settings/siteaccess/ezteamroom/*.ini

* re-checking [TeamroomSettings] -> TeamroomPoolNodeID=VALUE in teamroom.ini*

* rechecking var/log/error.log after running php runcronjobs.php -s ezteamroom frequent (some usefull infos appeared there for me)

Hope it will help you.


Ronan Guilloux

Henri Gabolde

Friday 16 April 2010 8:31:29 am


Robin, the server run on my local PC

Ronan, I check what you write.
And the error.log is :
Unexpected error, the message was : Unable to connect to the database server 'localhost' in /home/henri/www/ezp43/lib/ezdb/classes/ezmysqldb.php on line 164
but eZp use my database on localhost normally.

Other errors like : Failed opening file 'settings/override/site.ini.append.php.tmp' for writing, but right for site.ini.append.php are 777.

I try 3 differents install, 2 with eZp 4.3 and 1 with eZp 4.2, with the same issue !

Robin Muilwijk

Friday 16 April 2010 11:22:22 am

Hi Henri,

What is the path to the php installation? For me, on my PC this is C:\wamp\bin\php so to run a cronjob I need to enter the following command:

C:\wamp\bin\php php runconjobs.php

You might want to check on your path to php and try something similar. If that's not it, Ronan might be on to something.

-- Robin

Board member, eZ Publish Community Project Board - Member of the team - Key values: Openness and Innovation.

LinkedIn: // Twitter: // Skype: robin.muilwijk

Henri Gabolde

Saturday 17 April 2010 1:23:57 pm

I try : /usr/bin/php runcronjobs.php -s ezteamroom frequent with the same issue : unexpected error ...

If I use an other site access : php runcronjobs.php -s site frequent the script works well.

I think that Ronan is right suspecting an error in .ini setting.


Nicolas Pastorino

Monday 19 April 2010 12:39:11 am

Hi Henri !

Once properly nailed down that this is a bug/issue, would you mind reporting it in the public issue tracker [1], making sure this is fixed shortly ?

Thanks in advance,

[1] :

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

eZ Publish Community on twitter:

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Floris van den Hoeven

Tuesday 11 May 2010 8:55:08 am


I have the exact same thing as described above and am also not able to solve this issue.

However, I maybe got a better error message that maybe is of any help to you.

If I throw the command: "php runcronjobs.php -s ezflow_site frequent" then I'm getting the following result:


Running cronjobs/workflow.php at: 05/11/2010 03:47 pm
Checking for workflow processes
Step 1: Create teamroom content No parent node defined. Using node 2.
Created: Team member
Created: Moderators
Created: Tasks
Created: Files
Created: Milestones
Created: Message Board
Created: Blog
Created: Calendar
Created: Wiki
Step 2: Create teamroom boxes No parent node defined. Using node 2.
Created: Boxes
Created: Calendar
Created: Latest Files
Created: Current Lightbox
Created: Latest Member
Created: Last Blog Entry
Created: This Teamroom
Created: Teamroom Moderators
Step 3: Setting Teamroom Startpage
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function attribute() on a non-object in /var/www/html/<mysite>/extension/ezxmlinstaller/xmlinstallerhandler/ezmodifycontent.php on line 60
Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its requestThe execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.


Hope this makes any sence to some of you...


Robin Muilwijk

Wednesday 12 May 2010 11:24:51 am

Hi Floris,

This is beyond my knowledge, I'll ask around and see if we can get some help on this.

Regards Robin

Board member, eZ Publish Community Project Board - Member of the team - Key values: Openness and Innovation.

LinkedIn: // Twitter: // Skype: robin.muilwijk

Ronan Guilloux

Wednesday 12 May 2010 12:21:05 pm

Hi Floris,

you have a "No parent node defined. Using node 2." message, but I suppose your teamroom siteaccess' node ID isn't 2. The teamroom root node id is usually a children of your main siteaccess root node (under 2).

TheTeamroomPoolNodeID is setted in teamroom.ini, in the [TeamroomSettings] group

Did you re-check the order of the various ActiveExtension[] extension calls ? (cf. extension/ezteamroom/INSTALL text file, step 4)

Ronan Guilloux

Juan Asencio

Friday 04 June 2010 6:05:48 am

I was having the same problem:

php runcronjobs.php -s ezteamroom frequent
Using siteaccess ezteamroom for cronjob
An unexpected error has occurred. Please contact the webmaster.

So on the configuration section, remember to follow:
step 2. If it is not set globally, configure the database settings in the ezteamroom siteaccess.
This is because a new siteaccess (ezteamroom) is been created and it doesn't have database settings by default, so it needs to be added:









Brendan Pike

Thursday 23 December 2010 11:30:28 pm

Florish: Did you end up finding a solution. I'm experiencing the same problem. Are you using host or URI site-access, I'm using host and wondering if it might be related.


Step 3: Setting Teamroom Startpage

PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function attribute() on a non-object in /var/www/html/<mysite>/extension/ezxmlinstaller/xmlinstallerhandler/ezmodifycontent.php on line 60


We are always interested in hearing from experienced eZ PHP programmers and eZ template designers interested in contract work.

Kestutis Armalis

Thursday 20 January 2011 7:34:08 am

I am having pretty much the same problem as Brendan does.


Step 2: Create teamroom boxes

No parent node defined. Using node 2.

Created: Boxes

Created: Calendar

Created: Latest Files

Created: Current Lightbox

Created: Latest Member

Created: Last Blog Entry

Created: This Teamroom

Created: Teamroom ModeratorsStep

3: Setting Teamroom Startpage

PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function attribute() on a non-object in /home/www/ on line 60


Tried everything including re-installing teamroom. The one problem which I see, that if you set the Top Level node other from the (2), it breaks down like this. And there is no way of changing if you have it already set up. Or is there something that I do not see or understand.
