Forums / Extensions / eZOE related objects

eZOE related objects

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Gwenal Le Bihan

Tuesday 13 April 2010 9:09:50 am


I've recently upgraded a website to eZ4.2 and i've upgraded the ezoe editor. I used to have the beta version before..

And th upload function used to work differently (one template and now it's three) and there a slight differnt behovior i get, let's pretend i edit an article that has 10 related files to it. When I click on insert object, it says it has no related content to it (objects).But i'd like him to list my 10 files..

I've checked the code and it's seems the content type is set to objects so it's normal i have no results but how can i gently (without hacking) have a list of my related files.

It seems the javascript is able to manage a content type but how can i change that link properly?

Hope I was clear..



André R.

Wednesday 14 April 2010 1:36:11 am

In the template, override it and make it loop the $related_contentobjects instead of $grouped_related_contentobjects.objects.

PS: And if you haven't already, make sure you apply the extension/ezoe/update/database/5.0/dbupdate-5.0.0-to-5.0.1.sql too fix data consistency bug caused by ezoe < 5.0.1.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Gwenal Le Bihan

Wednesday 14 April 2010 2:19:25 am

ok, i'll do that!

thank you for the answer
