Forums / Extensions / Ezfind search based enhanced selection datatype
Romeo Antony
Tuesday 14 June 2011 3:11:14 am
Hi ,
Is there anyway can I map enhanced selection attribute to solr.
In ezfind search , I couldn't get the results based values from a dropdown list which contain enhaned seletion attribute values .
Anywork around ideas will be a great help.
GCC oman
Matthieu Sévère
Tuesday 14 June 2011 4:26:13 am
Indeed ezselection index only IDs. As far as I'm concerned I started from eZ Selection 2 project ( and I tweaked it to give necessary information to search engine.
-- eZ certified developer:
Tuesday 14 June 2011 5:30:31 am
Thanks for the reply .
While I was reading the forum , I read a thread thats from you about mapping of ezselection to solr felds. But frankly I didn't get much from that.
What do you suggest for me. Should I change from enhaned selection to ezselection2. Can you please give me some more ideas.
Tuesday 14 June 2011 5:40:42 am
That's hard to say. Personnaly I went into tweaking ezselection2 but the solution is not very stable ...
The problem is that there is no real solution to handle selection. If your problem is only indexing I would go with a modification of metadata() method of ezselection and make a pull request, but I don't know if that's a BC break or not ...
In fact I would love to know the vision of one eZ Engineer about all the problems around ezselection .... Maybe something is planned for next release :)
Tuesday 14 June 2011 6:41:34 am
Thanks for the reply.
for the time being I use enhanced selection to DatatypeMap[sckenhancedselection]=text
Wednesday 15 June 2011 4:35:29 pm
following link is dead. and No versions from SVN available .
is there any link that point to ezselection2 download
Thursday 16 June 2011 4:43:20 am
I got the working revision ..
Thursday 16 June 2011 6:37:15 am
At last I could work ezfind with ezselection2 datatype to map to solr fileds to get the results based ezselection2 datype values.
Thanks a lot Matthieu
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