Forums / Extensions / ezfind and objectrelations

ezfind and objectrelations

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Lars Eirik R

Tuesday 05 October 2010 2:32:49 am


We are currently using ezfind with textfields for searching content. We are currently looking at using a specific objectrelationslist for handling predefined tagging of content.

I have noticed that there is such a thing as custommapper in ezfind which should be abe to handle objectrealtions, but i am not sure how i can use this in a template fetch.

Is anyone able to provide me with an example of using a fetch where the values i search for should come from the objectrealtions list?

Lars Eirik R

Tuesday 05 October 2010 4:54:13 am

Managed to get this to work now. I basically concatenate the string with all values for the related objects and pass this to ezfind.

I guess this is pretty much the way it has to be done.