Forums / Extensions / eZ Newsletter / messages skipped

messages skipped

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Alexandre Mironenkov

Friday 07 November 2008 3:29:20 am


I installed eznewsletter, but when I run runcronjob he wright :

Running extension/eznewsletter/cronjobs/send_newsletter.php
Fetching prepared newsletter...
Found 1 newsletter.
Sending newsletter...
Sending messages for hello world
Sent 0 ( skipped: 2 ) messages for newsletter : hello world

And the interface administartion marks my messages sent.

Someone has an idea why messages are not send?


Mischa Markus

Friday 07 November 2008 7:24:06 am

heya, do u add the admin email only?
try to add a second email.

Alexandre Mironenkov

Friday 07 November 2008 8:31:28 am

[quote]heya, do u add the admin email only?
try to add a second email. [/quote]

I think not, because I did not find this in eznewsletter's interface.

I saw that "Sender address" in "newsletter type"

Maybe we can insert directly admin email into the database ?

Mischa Markus

Friday 07 November 2008 8:41:19 am

first u have to add a subscription list, there u can add the emails

Alexandre Mironenkov

Monday 10 November 2008 2:51:30 am

I think if I do not receive email It's because of status, but I don't know what option should be chosen: Pending, Confirmed, Aprouved, removed by self or Removed by admin ?

Do you know what this status? thanks

Mischa Markus

Wednesday 12 November 2008 11:30:10 pm

<i>I don't know what option should be chosen: Pending, Confirmed, Aprouved, removed by self or Removed by admin ?</i>

If u add a user manually u have to approve this.
pending is awaiting of confirmation or approving.

Alexandre Mironenkov

Monday 17 November 2008 1:55:27 am

Now when I run runcronjob he writing that all messages are sent without sending them.

The forms and sending messages of test is always functional.

Peretjatko Alexandre

Tuesday 02 December 2008 1:30:46 am

I've spend a lot of time on such problem, may be I can help. Here is a check-list of what to do to run newsletters :

1 - Create a newsletter type ( a kind of template ). In that newsletter type, don't forget to select the kind of format you want ( text, html, sms... ).

2 - Create a subscription list. ( wich contain all your e-mails ) For that you can import email, or add manually some of them.

2.1 - If you add manually an email, don't forget to choose a desired mail format ( text, html, sms ).

3 - Select the newsletter type created in Step 1, and click on the "create newsletter" button. In this newsletter you have different field an specially the "Output format". You have to choose one or more. It is important to note that only users who select this format will receive this newsletter.

4 - Run the cron job "send_newsletter".

5 - You don't receive anything ? Check your spam filter both on your email server and in your mail client.

By the way, you have a great documentation here :


Personnal website :

Roland TRAN

Monday 05 January 2009 2:35:19 am

Hello everybody,

I have nearly the same problem. But in my case, only users added on a list of subscription in the back office received the newsletter... Users subscribed in the front office were "skipped" and don't receive the newsletter.

If someone can help me or have any idea, it would be useful.

Thanks a lot,

Alexandre Mironenkov

Wednesday 07 January 2009 1:13:12 am

I changed files of ez_newsletter's extention and now it works. I think ez does not take into account the pattern of siteaccess.

Roland TRAN

Wednesday 07 January 2009 1:23:47 pm

Alexandre, can you show us what you did ? please.