Forums / Extensions / eZ Newsletter / Installing eznewsletter-1.6-beta: Topics-tab does not work

Installing eznewsletter-1.6-beta: Topics-tab does not work

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Lise Bolling Nesheim

Friday 30 January 2009 8:58:50 am

I am trying to install the eznewsletter beta-version on an existing installation of eZ, version 4.0.1

At this point the 'Newsletter' and 'Newsletter setup'-tabs and functionality seem to work fine, but when I try to view the 'Topics'-tab I get the following error-message.

"Error ocurred using URI: /content/view/full/60"

I guess that something is missing in my installation.

I have the following extensions:

I have run the sql I have found in these extensions

I have made changes in the ini-files

I have installed eznewsletter_classes.ezpkg (through the admin-interface)

I tried to do the same with the eznewsletter_democontent.ezpkg but it failed with the following error-message:

Error: eZMySQLDB Jan 30 2009 17:45:52

Query error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') AND cast(lang_mask & 8 AS SIGNED ) > 0' at line 1. Query: UPDATE ezurlalias_ml SET lang_mask = cast( lang_mask | 1 AS SIGNED ) WHERE action in () AND cast(lang_mask & 8 AS SIGNED ) > 0

I get the same error when I try to install the newsletter_Structure.ezpkg

Any suggestions on what the problem might be are highly appreciated!

Best regards
Lise Bolling Nesheim


Monday 21 December 2009 2:36:54 am

In my case the Topics-tabs redirect to the Media Library-tabs.

Have you an idea for me?

Sònia Sánchez

Wednesday 27 January 2010 10:01:26 am

Hi guys!

You should be edit 'extension/eznewsletter_builder/settings/menu.ini.append.php' file and comment or delete all '[Topmenu_content]' section.
What this section does is to overwrite the default '[Topmenu_content]' section and change the content tab link.

Best regards ;)

Pirouz Samipour

Wednesday 10 February 2010 3:09:05 am

I have the same problem. My Topics tabs is redirected to the Media library. And when I delete [Topmenu_content] from /extension/eznewsletter_builder/settings/menu.ini.append.php, my Topics tab is vanished.Where is the default [Topmenu_content]Thanks

Pirouz Samipour

Wednesday 10 February 2010 3:23:24 am

The default [Topmenu_content] is in /ezpublish/settings/menu.ini