Forums / Extensions / eZ Newsletter / Including content classes in newsletters

Including content classes in newsletters

Author Message

Christian BELLET

Monday 15 September 2008 2:41:09 am

Hello, I managed to run EZ newsletter 1.5.3 on PHP5, Debian nearly perfectly.
I created only one template (located in extension/eznewsletter_designs/design/eznewsletter_designs/templates) for the newsletter and I can select it in the newsletter builder.
The newsletter builder is accessible from a dedicated siteaccess : newsletter_editor
When I create my newsletter, I have the possibility to include objects (articles from example) that are already called in others siteaccess : fr, en and es.
The newsletter is ok when I send a preview to an email address : all the content elements/object's attributes appear on the newsletter.

However, when I send the newsletter with php ./runcronjobs.php -s newsletter_editor -send_newsletter, the objects attached (relations) to the newsletter are gone, I mean it's like they didn't get parsed by EZ publish. Only texts that are on the newsletter_issue object like pretextn posttext, introduction are displayed.

Did I miss something ?


Christian BELLET

Monday 15 September 2008 2:52:48 am

I forgot to mention the following setting in settings/override/eznewsletter.ini.append.php

I also declared that i wanted to include other classes in the newsletter_issue class definition.