Sorry to ask this newbie question but I can't find out how to install and use this extension... Can you please explain to me what I have to do ? I built a site and I want to have a newsletter module, with a form in the front site so the users can subscribe to the newsletter.
Stéphane, I followed your doc's butchering instructions and [almost] successed in pluggin' EZ Newsletter into a working 3.9.3 "ezwebin" install (VH mode).
Some things remain rough though... siteaccesses are not very well separated, permissions and workflows are not set and there are many translation issues (I'm almost done with Italian localization, if anyone cares).
Moreover, better integration with the default eZ Publish signup process is needed... it would be nice to be able to subscribe to available newsletters at first registration or from the "My profile" environment.
Anyhow, I too look forward to seeing the "official" instructions released and compare with my "doctor Frankenstein" eZ NewZbin ;)
Hi! Still nothing about the manual installation documentation?
I have problems trying to do that myself on a 3.10.0 (webin). I downloaded the packages and tried to install them, but got nasty errors installing these ones: