Forums / Extensions / eZ Newsletter / embedded images

embedded images

Author Message

andre müller

Wednesday 03 October 2007 1:47:03 am

uh, it used to work, but does not anymore. mails with images embedded come without attachments. no entry in ez error logs.
the funny thing is, that it works with preview sending, but stops working when i send via cronjob. does that give a clue to a possible solution? thanks!

i find this in my mail error log:

Oct 3 11:05:43 www pop3d:
Oct 3 11:05:56 www last message repeated 2 times
Oct 3 11:06:57 www last message repeated 3 times
Oct 3 11:08:17 www last message repeated 6 times
Oct 3 11:09:03 www last message repeated 6 times
Oct 3 11:09:27 www last message repeated 2 times
Oct 3 11:09:46 www qmail-queue-handlers[30916]: possible qmail-smtpd exited by timeout, reset connection or with "See"

Tobias Struckmeier

Thursday 04 October 2007 1:34:35 am

do you execute the cronjob with in the context of your editing siteaccess?


runcronjobs.php -s newsletter_editor send_newsletter

andre müller

Thursday 04 October 2007 5:20:55 am

sorry for spamming this forum with problems that seem to be very me-specific.
it was again a permission problem (at least i think so..). as soon as the var directory is owned by webserver nothing works correctly. i had to change the ownership to the www user.

Tobias Struckmeier

Friday 05 October 2007 2:50:14 am

Hi andre,

"as soon as the var directory is owned by webserver nothing works correctly. i had to change the ownership to the www user."

On most systems the webserver runs as "www" user. So imho "www=webserver".
Or did you meant as soon as its owned by the webserver everything works correctly?

andre müller

Monday 08 October 2007 2:51:25 am

dear tobias, thanks for the reply and sorry to be so my var dir is not owned by www (webserver) anymore, but chmodded 777 (i know, not secure) and owned by me. and it's only now that ev. runs fine.
possibly i'm confusing stuff, but i think the cronjob system adds some complexity in ownership/permission stuff, especially on plesk servers, where by default the user is not in in the webserver group and vice versa..

Tobias Struckmeier

Tuesday 09 October 2007 1:12:19 am

Can you add a bug report to the ez publish issue tracker? Then this can be verified.