Thursday 10 April 2008 8:22:01 am
The newsletter emails are generated in the class eZNewsletter; the contenttype is set to 'sms' or 'multipart/related' (for HTML newsletters), but never to 'text/plain'. Apparently, it assumes that the contenttype for the eZNewsletterMail class is always 'text/plain'. However, when the eZNewsletterMail is created, the contenttype is initially set to 'text/plain', but subsequently changed into the prefered contenttype from the site.ini - MailSettings - ContentType settings. So if this is set to text/html, eZNewsletterMail will default to text/html, and plain text mails will be sent with the 'ContentType: text/html' header and will be displayed without line breaks. To fix the bug, edit classes/eznewslettermail.php, and comment out lines 81/82 (this refers to version 1.5.3)
// if ( $ini->hasVariable( 'MailSettings', 'ContentType' ) )
// $this->setContentType( $ini->variable( 'MailSettings', 'ContentType' ) );